Our internal corporate regulations on social responsibility are based on the requirements of Social Accountability International:

Child Labour:
No use or support of child labour
Forced and Compulsory Labour:
No use or support for forced or compulsory labour; no required ‘deposits’ – financial or otherwise; no withholding salary, benefits, property or documents to force personnel to continue work; personnel right to leave the work premises after the workday; personnel free to terminate their employment; and no use of, nor support for human trafficking
Health and Safety:
Provide a safe and healthy workplace; prevent potential occupational accidents; appoint senior manager to ensure H&S; instruction on H&S for all personnel; system to detect, avoid, respond to risks; record all accidents; provide personal protection equipment and medical attention in event of work-related injury; remove, reduce risks to new and expectant mothers; hygiene – toilet, potable water, sanitary food storage
Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining:
Respect the right to form and join trade unions and bargain collectively. All personnel are free to: organise trade unions of their choice; and bargain collectively with their employer
No discrimination based on race, national or social origin, caste, birth, religion, disability, gender, sexual orientation, union membership, political opinions, age or wide variety preferences. No discrimination in hiring, remuneration, access to training, promotion, termination, and retirement
Disciplinary Practices:
Treat all personnel with dignity and respect; zero tolerance of corporal punishment, mental or physical abuse of personnel; no harsh or inhumane treatment
Working Hours:
Compliance with laws & industry standards; normal workweek, overtime is voluntary, not regular
Respect right of personnel to a living wage; all workers paid at least the legal minimum wage; wages sufficient to meet basic needs & provide discretionary income; wages and benefits clearly communicated to workers; paid in convenient manner; overtime paid at premium rate